When did I first start using Internet? I guess it first happened at school, in the year of 2002, when it was announced to us that we had 40 minutes of free internet weekly. Surprisingly enough, I was at my witt`s end at what to do with it: I read horoscopes, but rather soon got tired of them; I used to read about our "Star factory" but it was no great fun either, so I was as if blind)
In the year of 2004 I began to use i-net at home and pretty soon became addicted to chats and different forums, and as I used dial-up connection it was pretty dear))) And still, I didn`t know what opportunities the inet could offer me.
In the year of 2007 I joined the RusLat project headed by Elena Nikolaenko, and got to know more about the opportunities of the internet) I created my first blog and made friends abroad, it cool, isn`t it?
Doris Molero's meme http://doris3meflcenter.blogspot.com/2007/10/my-first-meme.html,
Bábara Tous's meme http://www.http.ru//barbaratp.blogspot.com/2007/10/when-did-i-start-to-use-internet.html,
María Luján's meme, http://theticworld.blogspot.com/2007/09/this-is-my-first-meme.html
Bili from Slovenia http://lunatik-kin16282.blogspot.com/2007/10/my-first-internet-experience.html ,
Krstjan's meme from Slovenia http://school99.blogspot.com/2007/10/when-i-started-using-internet.html,